My Thoughts & Passions to Share with You
Dianne's Blog
Dianne's Blog

谢伊·乔伊:我的喜马拉雅/布娃娃- 4 个 Kitty Kids 之一 - 出生于 2020 年 4 月 23 日
As a Homegrown West Vancouver REALTOR®' following proudly in our Mom's, Nan Hartwick's, exceptional Real Estate career: a reputation that is a Legacy gift, you can 'Expect the Best' from me as your REALTOR®
March 24, 2024
I value loyalty in life with my family, friends and in my Real Estate profession. My Clients can count on my undivided loyalty as I represent their best interests in buying and/or selling a property.
When I see that same quality in others, I appreciate their loyalty in a world where often other vested interests take precedence and loyalty goes out the window.
It gives me much pleasure to show my appreciation with special gifts to people who also value loyalty and appreciate that I have conducted my Real Estate services for them, with care, competence and always with their best interests first.
In that regard, I am fortunate to have highly creative friends whose artistry is exquisite, that create beautiful gifts.
Thank you Stephanie Skippon & Erfan Banoo - two very gifted Artists.

Here's what it's NOT about: $$$$$$
November 9, 2023
Happy Fall everyone:
Recently, a good friend referred a delightful BUYER to me, for which I was very appreciative. Referrals reflect trust and faith in you as a REALTOR® and your reputation, so they always mean a lot.
The Buyer and I got on famously well and have become friends. I am always attentive to my Clients' lifestyle needs and special wishes for their new home. I knew what my mission was - I just had to succeed in finding it!
The Listing Inventory was extremely low. I researched diligently determined to discover her Dream Home. We continued to look at listings to ensure this was the home they wanted to make new memories in - they knew it was! No matter the statistics . . . . there's always a home out there waiting to make someone's dreams come true. Mission accomplished.
SOLD! A short while ago, they purchased a home that fits all of their family's needs, full of joy and anticipation for their new life chapters ahead . . . . . one of a handful of recently sold, detached listings in that price bracket, in West Vancouver, BC, Canada.
I work with Allan Angell, the Co-Owner of my Brokerage: Angell Hasman & Assoc. Rlty Ltd; balancing our skills for our Clients' best interests. Lilian Li, the Listing Agent; was a pleasure to work beside with full cooperation every which way to yield a happy outcome for our respective Clients.
Listed for $2,699,000 situated on a serene, huge private lot in Bayridge; fully renovated with lots of protected area for their family dog, in a serene location in Bayridge. My Client and I both loved the home the minute we walked through the door!
I am sincerely delighted that my loyal friend's Referral resulted in a very happy transaction all around.
Which brings me to the point of my Newsletter:
One of Michelle Obama's famous quotes:
"Success isn't about how much money you make; it's about the difference you make in people's lives."

Sellers: Beware of 'Being Led Down the Garden Path'
July 2023
Merriam-Webster describes this as expression " to deceive (someone): to cause (someone) to go, think, or proceed wrongly".
I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful summer here in the Lower Mainland. How lucky can we be when we consider the world conditions at large?
What, exactly, am I referring to?
I want to be candidly open below regarding SELLER'S wishing to list their home for the best possible price, especially in a strange market that we are now experiencing in the Lower Mainland and in particular, West and North Vancouver.
In my last Newsletter, I focused on TRUST, LOYALTY AND HONESTY; values I hold dear in every corner of my life. In Real Estate, as in any profession, there are varying degrees of those qualities.
These are unusual times and SELLERS need to be vigilant that they are NOT being 'Led down the garden path' by Agents eager to list their home by giving a higher-than-realistic price, to simply appease the SELLER but not advising in their best interests and raising unfair expectations.
Home Owners need to be able to TRUST the Agent that they are getting listing advice that is an asset to selling their home for the best price in a timely manner vs the Agent's interests. Over pricing a listing gives the SELLER false expectations while the Agent is happy having the listing. This tactic is not honest or ethical, in my opinion and the Agents that do this are well known in the Profession and they do NOT do their SELLERS any favour. Choices all round are important.
What happens next? There are few if any showings and the SELLER then has to lower the price repeatedly over time, to arrive at a realistic listing price. BUYERS will understand the scenario from their Agents. Ultimately, the SELLER will probably have to accept a much lower offer than what they would have received if the home had been listed by the Agent, with the SELLER'S best interests at heart from the get-go! This is NOT the path SELLERS want to take.
Presently, there continues to be low Listing inventory and few sales with rising mortgage interest rates by the Bank of Canada - possibly to continue. (Link: Canadian Real Estate Assn & Bank of Canada rising interest rates).
Despite the low inventory which should assist Home Sellers, it's not that simple:
with Mortgages being less available for BUYERS to obtain there are fewer BUYERS;
BUYERS are not going to pay for an overpriced listing, instead downsizing expectations;
or cannot afford to buy the home they desire and are waiting for better circumstances hoping for rate reductions and more selection of Listings that may or may not be in the offing.
For selling a property, no matter how lovely, it is key that a List Price be evaluated properly to advise the SELLER on obtaining the best possible price in a timely manner.
In the past month, there have been zero Sales on the North Shore in the $4Million to $5Mill bracket, except for a beautiful, new home in North Vancouver that SOLD in a little over a month for the full, asking price: $4.088 - 4,362 sq ft. - well priced by the Listing Agent.
Contrast that with two homes listed for $4.28 million and $4.398 that were Sold within the last month, well below list prices respectively, 13.8% and 17% below - both for $3.76 million.
Lower-priced condos are sometimes getting multiple offers with BUYERS downsizing and seeking affordability. However, Condos in the higher price ranges along with Detached homes are showing signs of price reductions to fit market trends and more appropriate prices if they haven't sold. The market doesn't show signs of changing in the foreseeable future. Thus, it is best to sell now and price well.
I am delighted to work beside my friend and Co-Owner/Co-Founder of Angell Hasman and Assoc. Rlty. Ltd., Allan Angell. SELLERS/BUYERS can count on sound advice with integrity and we would never lead them 'down a garden path'.
On occasion, we have missed getting a listing because of our honesty and the SELLERS understanding better what we had advised - too late. All of our Clients - who trust us and take our well-founded advice are happy and satisfied with their Real Estate Transactions. Commissions are welcome but reputations are more important.
Thinking of Selling Your Home?
March 2, 2023

- I'll keep this short and sweet like my video above:
- The Residential housing market Inventory on the North Shore & Vancouver remains low but will start to increase with Spring around the corner - slowly.
- If you are thinking about selling - it's safe to say that NOW is the time to get your home on the market before there is more competition for Sellers.
- Many homeowners will be looking to downsize or upsize as the better weather approaches and/or other homeowners will find themselves in a financial situation where selling is the best option.
- Buyers are getting more active since January with the probable slowing or perhaps ceasing of Mortgage rate increases.
- Sales have increased since January 2023.
- I have noticed that when a detached/attached home is listing fairly, according to what the market dictates, some listings are selling for above the list price.
If you are thinking about selling, please don't hesitate to contact me for a good chat about your property and further requirements. I know and understand the North Shore of Vancouver, as a West Vancouver 'born and raised' daughter of a highly successful REALTOR® Mom, Nan Hartwick!

January 17, 2023

A Video I made to reflect my hope for 2022 - Enjoy!
A Video I made to reflect my hope for 2022 - Enjoy!
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022

Welcome to the Year of the Tiger!
Residential Housing Inventory Increasing - List Now!
2022 年 1 月 30 日
2022 年 1 月 30 日
2022 年 1 月 12 日
2022 年 1 月 12 日

Perfect Pumpkin Pose!
Perfect Pumpkin Pose!
2021 年 11 月 1 日
2021 年 11 月 1 日

Just had to post this belated, Halloween picture of Chloe, one of my 3 darling kitty kids, in her perfect pumpkin pose!
I hope Halloween brought smiles to the faces of everyone, but most of all, the children who have had to cope with the strange times of Covid.
Last night was a perfect, clear night for the kids to head out for some long overdue fun! The good weather was Halloween 'magic' given the torrential rains we've had lately - including tonight. It was a lift to the spirits to see so many children out Trick or Treating along with the adults in their costumes, enjoying the fun just as much!
The fireworks were non-stop until close to midnight. It was like a therapeutic release for everyone, bringing out the 'child' in all of us!
For my brothers and me, Halloween always brings forward warm memories, remembering how Mom dressed us up in imaginative costumes to head down our home street of Sunset Lane, in West Vancouver, to collect a bounty of candy from our neighbours.
Those were the days of innocence - always to be treasured and held in your heart.
September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021
我是一个'自然的力量' 当关注买家和卖家的最大利益时;在各个方面都是一个以人为本的人;通过产生以客户为中心的结果来培养客户关系 - 始终面带微笑!
取得最佳结果客户,aREALTOR® 必须在其对客户的职责的各个方面表现得非常专业,包括忠诚度、充分披露以及以培养客户关系中的信任的方式行事。 REALTORS® 有责任始终将客户的利益放在首位利益第一。
REALTOR® 的能力充分利用社交媒体和其他营销工具定位客户的财产,在这个互联网营销时代,创造力和曝光度非常重要。当房地产经纪人®拥有广泛的个人网络时,这对他们的客户有利。
REALTOR® 的一大资产就是直觉;能够评估客户的需求,但超越所说的内容,相信会产生他们期望的结果。通常,买家会概述他们想要的房产,但最终购买的东西与他们想象的完全不同,而他们的经纪人向他们展示了这些东西。这是我的创作优势之一!
关系中的喜好和厌恶随着时间的推移而变化,因为买家会看到各种房产,而卖家会更加了解当前的市场状况和对其房产的兴趣程度。 A REALTOR® 协助客户做出决定/选择,以便他们能够做出明智的选择/决定。
短信或电话预约: 604.783.6433
EV Charging Stations & Strata Corporations
Food for Thought from a SHK Legal Expert
EV Charging Stations & Strata Corporations
Food for Thought from a SHK Legal Expert
April 10, 2021
There is an ever-increasing interest in Electric Vehicles as we all become more aware of making our world a less polluted environment for everyone's best interests! With more people purchasing Electric cars, it's important for Strata Corporations to understand all of the key factors to consider when installing Charging Stations for their Renters/Owners, that require their own plug-in or one that can be used for multiple cars.
SHK Law Corporation in Vancouver, BC specializes in Construction Law but also, is a multi-disciplined highly regarded Law Firm covering professional legal advice for Real Estate, Insurance, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Automotive & Environmental Practice areas. I can personally vouch for their Professional Services!
Please click on the following link for an excellent article on details to consider when installing EV Charging Stations in their Condo or Townhouse buildings.
Do Not Hesitate - List Your Home NOW!
Do Not Hesitate - List Your Home NOW!
2021 年 2 月 19 日
2021 年 2 月 19 日
Don’t hesitate to list your home in this very rapid, HOT, February market!
Due to historically low, mortgage interest rates, psychological factors associated to Covid and very low housing inventory . . . . NOW is the opportune time to SELL your Home given the current shortage of listings inventory in West & North Vancouver, BC!
If you are hesitating and considering listing your home to either downsize or upgrade, you will be certain it is the right time to SELL, after your home evaluation/consultation with Allan Angell (Co Owner/Co Founder of high profile/respected Angell Hasman & Assoc Rlty Ltd) & me.
We are always delighted to offer our combined, provide excellent results for our Clients. To set up a private discussion, either by phone or in person, please contact me at:
dihartwick.angellhasman@shaw.ca or text me with your request: 604.783.6433
You can be assured: 'Expect the Best'.
Surprise: HOT Housing Market! - (despite Covid)
Surprise: HOT Housing Market! - (despite Covid)
February 11, 2021
Here we are, mid February, already!
The residential housing market on the North Shore is percolating - much to everyone's surprise!
After speaking with Allan Angell, the Owner/Founder of Angell Hasman & Assoc Rlty Ltd, whom I work closely with for Residential BUYERS & SELLERS, I was anxious to share the interesting, unexpected, current market conditions based on his experienced, professional insights!
Over the past 4 to 6 months, the Real Estate Market has changed significantly, from the first part of 2020 when Covid first hit us broadside; nothing moved! However, this 'event' has created psychological impacts on the market over the past months, alongside the lowest mortgage interest rates ever and a shortage of residential listings, creating a very active market with prices starting to escalate. This trend will probably continue for some months.
Allan goes well beyond the Stats released publicly, by the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver so the picture becomes crystal clear. When we do a personalized presentation for a BUYER &/or SELLER, Allan shows what the market is doing, in detailed graphs and where it's likely headed; in context with his past 37 yrs of experience.
Here's a snapshot of reality, courtesy of Allan's insights:
The last 6 months in West Vancouver have had the 14th best sales in detached homes in comparison to the past 37 yrs of Stats Allan has compiled. North Vancouver in the same period, has had its 8th best sales for detached homes. Condos have shown a dramatic increase in sales over the past 4 months, beating the 30 yr average during those months.
Prices for detached homes have increased 8% to 10% in West Vancouver, over the last 6 months and will continue to do so for the next few months. Likely, Covid has caused many people to seek more privacy and upgrade, while others see an opportunity to upgrade while prices are relatively lower.
Allan's ability to deeply analyze the market for our Clients' best interests in making informed, property/lifestyle decisions, is a key benefit for Buyers and Sellers. I believe that there is no other Real Estate Agent in Vancouver, BC, who understands and can explain the same, in-depth analysis on the market stats, that Allan does. I'm proud to sing his praises; well deserved!
One other factor that is helpful to consider regarding Real Estate transactions and the market in the coming months: If people begin to feel safer, as vaccines increasingly are available, there will be a flood into the listing inventory; homes will not sell as quickly and prices may level off or decrease. None of us have a crystal ball but this aspect is a key consideration.
Personally, I am passionate & skilled at seeking out and matching properties that are a good fit for our Buyers' needs. Also, I have a strong creative streak and love to create visually appealing marketing videos for our Clients' listings, giving wide exposure on social media - a highly useful 'tool'.
You can always 'Expect the Best' from the combined strengths of Allen and me . . . & we always have fun with the focused attention we give our Clients!
Act now - call for your consultation with Allan and me; it will motivate you! Dianne: 604.783.6433
这是几天前拍摄的一张照片,看看在我的家乡不列颠哥伦比亚省西温哥华等待着您的一切 - 您想要的一切!受到诱惑——你永远不会后悔!
这是几天前拍摄的一张照片,看看在我的家乡不列颠哥伦比亚省西温哥华等待着您的一切 - 您想要的一切!受到诱惑——你永远不会后悔!

无线 LED 袖珍灯:小宝石!
无线 LED 袖珍灯:小宝石!
January 30, 2021
January 30, 2021
我只需要分享这些伟大的小事我在亚马逊订购的无线 LED 袖珍灯 - 他们有很好的选择,价格也很合理。说说好用: 用于需要额外照明的小区域,例如厨房橱柜下,或书柜/架子和壁橱里!
2021 年 1 月 10 日
2021 年 1 月 10 日
好的,伙计们;迎接 2021 年的全新开始,包括清洁我们的生活空间!当我们解决家里的清洁问题时 - 你不必一次性打扫整个大房子 - 它也会让我们头脑清醒!
小苏打是我最喜欢的清洁水槽、下水道(用热水和醋)的方法电器、锅碗瓢盆; 别介意清除家里难闻的气味;它便宜又有效!
这是一个 好文章 让您开始了解小苏打的所有家庭用途(除了烘焙哈哈)。保持简单,您就会感到满意!
"Here's to a Happy & Healthy New Year: 2021
Onward & Upwards!"
January 2, 2021
Warmest wishes to the World for the fresh year ahead . . . . . full of promise every which way! As soon as the clock ticked past midnight on January 1, 2021, I felt a distinct lift to my spirits, going outside and bringing in the New Year, as our Mom always did for our home.
I sincerely hope that everyone is managing to enjoy 'home life' more than usually, while staying safe in your sanctuary, with or without pets and/or children! I'm so sorry for anyone who has suffered loss of a loved one.
Personally, my 3 kitties are gifting me with loving company and comfort - not to mention: entertainment - over this weird and unexpected chapter of our lives. It's the simple pleasures I'm appreciating.
This quieter, more introspective time has made many people more aware of life's perspective and focusing on perhaps finally finding time for hobbies that we never seem to do (I'm tackling recovering my chesterfield!).
When we are safe to get back to enjoying a more expansive life adventure - e.g. travelling - I'm sure we will feel much more gratitude of such treats; nothing like having contrasts to bring out appreciation within ourselves, right? I truly hope that we all take the positives out of this Covid chapter and 'play them forward'.
This time has also given people time to reflect on their housing environment. The detached home market has been unexpectedly active, with some Buyers wanting to settle into a larger space with more elbow room; while others have been content to cocoon in their condos.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are contemplating a change ahead in your living situation or would like to refer a friend to me for their Real Estate wishes.
I will always do my utmost to meet people's needs in a highly personalized and caring manner . . . . . together with the double 'fire power' of Allan Angell, Co-Owner of Angell Hasman & Associates!
Take good care and hope to connect with you soon!
October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
我和我的兄弟们总是度过了非常有趣的万圣节时光,妈妈会为她打扮得漂漂亮亮的。 3 个孩子以上,穿着非常有创意的服装和服装。我们会在我们长大的不列颠哥伦比亚省西温哥华的日落巷 (Sunset Lane) 玩“不给糖就捣蛋”的游戏。我们所有的邻居都给我们送来了很多糖果战利品——值得珍藏的美好回忆。
我很抱歉孩子们被剥夺了许多平常的庆祝活动 - 但我相信父母会为他们提供很多乐趣,安全地在家中,他们仍然可以盛装打扮并获得很多礼物!
October 22, 2020
Preheat Oven to 400 F (200 C) Greased or Paper Lined Muffin Tin(s)
Anytime is Muffin time and the great thing is that you can whip them up in no time! They're also one of the most forgiving treats you can bake. I thought I'd share with you, a recipe for Banana Pineapple Muffins that are simple to make, yet delicious.
So put on your apron, use up those overripe bananas and give this recipe a try. Like most muffins, these freeze well so they stay fresh. I always double the recipe!
1/2 C white sugar
1/2 C softened butter
1/2 C mashed, overripe bananas
1/2 C crushed, pineapple with juice
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 C all purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1. In a bowl, cream together the sugar and softened butter. Add the mashed bananas and pineapple; mix well. Add the beaten egg (batter will look curdled). Add baking soda, baking powder, flour and salt; blend well.
2. Spoon batter into prepared muffin tin(s) dividing evenly. Bake in preheated oven (middle rack) for 15 - 20 minutes depending on your oven. Test with a toothpick or sharp, small knife to make sure the muffins are cooked in the middle but still moist.
Enjoy! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Patio Heater Appeal as the Weather Turns Chilly!
Patio Heater Appeal as the Weather Turns Chilly!
我最近一直在想,我可能会买一个露台加热器,这样我就可以全年享受我的露台,因为在 Covid 19 期间,许多餐厅都在使用它来增加和扩大顾客,而在室内用餐并不是很有吸引力,如果想要保持健康! 您随时可以点“外卖”并在您的私人露台上用餐!
如果您已经购买了露台加热器,我很乐意通过我的网站听到您的反馈和建议联系页面。 提前致谢!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend!
2020 年 10 月 10 日
2020 年 10 月 10 日
Indoor Plants Yearning for Light?
September 21, 2020
Indoor Plants Yearning for Light?
September 21, 2020
Dream of a Tiny House?
Dream of a Tiny House?
August 23, 2020
There's just something so appealling about Tiny Houses. These little homes are packed full of coziness and offer so much for so little cost, in comparison to full sized homes.
You have all the privacy and comfort of a detached home - just in a well designed structure that also forces you to declutter, which we all can do if we try!
In Vancouver, BC, there has been a trend towards Coach & Laneway Homes that are very similar; constructed on the same property as a larger home that be either rented out for a mortgage helper; used for Guests or family that wish to live close by, yet have their own privacy.
I recently took a Buyer to see such a property with a darling Coach House in Horseshoe Bay. It was used an AirBnB with substantial potential for income - designed with a loft, kitchenette, bedroom/washroom etc.
Here's a few examples of Tiny Homes that will spark your imagination: The Spruce
If you are interested in viewing this wonderful home with it's oh so lovely Coach House, I'd be delighted to book an appointment for you!